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by Penn Clark


One day, as I walked down a busy street, my eye caught a sign in a shop window that said, “Rare Old Books.” I thought to myself, “That’s the kind I want to write! Rare because they are not just saying what everyone says or what we want to hear, and old because they bear fruit that remains and stand the test of time.”


For most of my Christian life I have been writing studies and sermons that contain fresh perspective and relevant revelations which the Lord had entrusted to me when I was a young disciple. I have worked hard to steward what He had given to me I have been mindful that another generation of disciples and pastors would be reading them. I begin each book showing how I arrived at the truth I was presenting, what study tools I used to help get me there, and how the truth set me free. It is essential to demonstrate how to handle the Word of God with integrity, so they will want to do the same.


I had been working on this discipleship series for over forty years, creating a curriculum for our church’s discipleship program and for students of the Word. In 2013, the leaders of our church, WellSpring Fellowship, encouraged me to start our own publishing company so we could get this material out to those who wanted to go deeper. We believe a great end-time revival is coming and we want to have everything ready for that eventuality. We also believed that publishing this material is part of our ongoing purpose and calling. We are delighted to see how the Lord given us the means to accomplish this, assembling a small team of international partners who have the same heart for the Kingdom, to help us accomplish our goals, which are:


  1. To prepare study material for those who are part of a great end-time harvest. We want to do this using all forms of media that are available.


2. To make these studies available in Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Hindi or Oriya, which are the languages of the places where we have had the strongest mission interest. 


3. To establish an online bookstore as our primary means of distribution. This has been accomplished and it is located at


I have not personally profited from the sales of these book, but instead, have reinvested any income generated to make even more material available. 


Please stand with us in prayer, so that together we can make the Kingdom a little larger, one heart and home at a time.


With every blessing, Penn Clark



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